Automotive Market Insights – 7/13/2021

Wholesale Prices, Week Ending July 10th  

Wholesale car values continue to decline after an enormous 22-consecutive week of gains; however, sales conversion rates were also down last week.
Car dealers selling cars at auction are expected to begin the gradual and moderate reduction of their floors.

  This Week Last Week 2017-2019 Average (Same Week)
Car segments -0.47% -0.10% -0.47%
Truck & SUV segments -0.28% -0.02% -0.28%
Market -0.33% -0.04% -0.35%

Wholesale Prices Week Ending July 10th   Car Segment Price Change 2021 June-July

A quick recap of industry-related headlines over the last week:

  • On a volume-weighted basis, the overall Car segment decreased by 0.47%.
  • Compact and Full-size Van segments had the biggest weekly gain at +0.44% and +0.36%, respectively.
  • Dealers have found inventive ways to diversify their source of inventory, and their innovation seems to be paying off, as some continue to have record-breaking sales months.
  • On a volume-weighted basis, the overall Truck segment decreased -0.25% this past week. For reference, the previous week decreased by only –0.02%.
  • Compact and Full-size Van segments had the strongest weekly gain at +0.44% and +0.36%, respectively
  • Small Pickups had the steepest decrease at –1.03%.
  • Nine of the thirteen segments declined this week.


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Diminished Value Car Appraiser