TradeRev BuyNow Feature Updated

Last week TradeRev made changes to Buy Now to streamline sales for both Buyers and Sellers.

Here’s what happened: 

  • No more offers on Buy Now. Every vehicle will be available for the visible floor price. Before this, buyers had to put an offer on buy-it-now inventory and that was annoying and pointless.
  • Floor price is now the Buy Now Price. Vehicles with a floor price that are not sold at the standard auction will automatically be listed in Buy Now for a second chance to sell. 
  • Sellers Must Opt into Buy Now. If seller want their vehicles to automatically move into Buy Now in the event of a no-sale, they must ensure that option is enabled in their Settings. 

The floor price input is now in the Overview section on web and the Overview page on mobile. 

Buyers must update their mobile app to TradeRev 4.30. 

TradeRev BuyNow Feature Updated

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Diminished Value Car Appraiser