Tesla’s Reputation Slumps Amidst GM and Ford’s Upward Trend (PDF)

In a recent survey conducted by Axios, it has come to light that Tesla’s reputation has suffered a significant decline over the past year, while other car manufacturers have made improvements in their standings.

The Axios Harris Poll 100 reputation rankings gauge the perceptions of top brands in the United States. To compile the rankings, around 16,310 Americans were surveyed from March 13th to 28th. Respondents were asked to name two companies with the best reputation and two with the worst. Based on their answers, a list of 100 companies was evaluated across nine factors including character, trust, trajectory, citizenship, culture, ethics, growth, vision and services & production. This comprehensive evaluation provides valuable insights into the reputation of prominent brands in the US.

Last year, Tesla secured the 12th spot in the list, representing one of the most reputable companies in the United States. However, this year’s rankings reveal a significant decline for Tesla, now sitting in 62nd place with a score of 74.3 out of 100. While still in the “Good” category, Tesla falls far behind companies rated as “Excellent,” with Patagonia topping the list with a score of 83.5.

Toyota emerged as the car manufacturer with the best reputation, scoring 81 and sharing the 6th position with Samsung. Honda followed closely in 13th place with a score of 79.8, while Subaru ranked 16th with a score of 79.4. Other notable car manufacturers included BMW in 24th place, Ford making a significant jump to 32nd (nine places higher than last year), General Motors climbing 18 spots to 34th, VW in 56th place, and Chrysler at 67th.

Tesla’s Reputation Score

Analyzing Tesla’s score in detail reveals that the company excels in trajectory, vision, and growth, falling into the “Excellent” category for these factors. However, Tesla’s reputation suffers in terms of citizenship, with a score of just 68.1, as well as trust and character, with scores of 69.1 and 69.3, respectively. Additionally, the survey highlighted shortcomings in the culture and ethics aspect of the company.

Tesla Reputation Ranking

The decline in Tesla’s reputation within the United States reflects a shift in public perception, potentially influenced by various factors such as recent controversies or challenges faced by the company. Conversely, Ford and General Motors have made significant strides in improving their reputations, indicating successful efforts to enhance their image among consumers.

It remains to be seen how Tesla will address the concerns raised by this survey and regain its position as one of the most reputable car manufacturers in the United States. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, maintaining a positive reputation becomes increasingly crucial for companies striving to earn the trust and loyalty of consumers.

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Tony Rached