To Whom It May Concern:

You recently filed a claim for damage to your vehicle under your auto policy.  Georgia law
requires that we consider any potential loss of value when we evaluate the damage to your auto.
This potential loss varies from auto to auto and from accident to accident.  In some cases there
may be no loss of value at all.  In evaluating the potential loss of value to your vehicle we
consider various factors, including the type of damage, the current retail value of your vehicle
(based on data collected by the National Auto Dealers Association) and the actual mileage at the
time of loss. A check will be issued separate from this letter for any loss of value calculated.

D.V. Review                                                                    
200X Honda Pilot                                                               
NADA = $24,675                                                                
Mileage Modifier = .56 – Based on 44k miles out of 100k miles.                 
Damages Modifier = .30 – Replaced panels, non-structural damage.               
10% Nada value x mileage modifier x damage modifier = potential loss value     

$2467.50 x .56 x .30 = $414.54

My calculation is based on the type of vehicle damage sustained, and current NADA value of
your vehicle, not by the dollar amount of the estimate.  Should you have documentation you
would like for us to review, you may submit by mail, or fax to 1-888-268-88XX.  Per request, no
payment has been issued.

Safeco 17c Formula

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Diminished Value Car Appraiser