Hello Vivian

“Thank you” to you and the staff at DVG for your professional, efficient and the speedy process in handling my diminished value claim.

Before my last accident I never heard of diminished value claim but was glad, someone told me about it in order for me to investigate.

I did not send the demand letter you provided right away since I had been very busy; however, I wanted to let you know that I follow the instructions you provided in your email to me to get the process going.

I emailed everything on Monday 3/11/13 to the insurance company, received a release and returned the form from the insurance company by email on Tuesday 3/12 agreeing to pay the full amount, which included the fee I paid you.

I received a check from the insurance company for the full payment in the mail today 3/14/12.

Who knew some insurance companies could actually respond so efficient to a claim.

Thanks again,


B Holmes – Atlanta

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Diminished Value Car Appraiser