Poll Would you purchase a vehicle that’s been involved in an accident (PDF)

Poll/ Survey Results

Respondents: 2,870

Question:  Would buy a wrecked and repaired Vehicle?


Yes 12%
Yes, but with a very large discount 51%
Yes, only if it had minor damage 7%
No, Never 25%
Unsure, Undecided 5%
Total 100%

Question:  Was the insurance company fair during your last claim experience?


Insurer was UNFAIR 73%
Insurer was FAIR 12%
Not Sure 15%

Other Survey Questions:

  • Car dealers will take advantage of a customer who’s trading in a vehicle with a prior accident:
    YES 87%
    No 13%
  • Vehicle history reports make it easier to eliminate vehicles with prior accidents:
    YES 96%
    NO 4%
  • Newer cars lose more value after a wreck
    YES 91%
    NO 9%
  • I am willing to invest in an independent appraisal
    YES 81%
    NO 19%

Poll Would you purchase a vehicle that’s been involved in an accident

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Diminished Value Car Appraiser