How to Correctly Prepare a Georgia Car Title? (PDF)


When you purchase a new vehicle in the US, several documents will be signed, including the new car title. What is a car title? It is a legal document establishing a person or business as the legal owner of the vehicle. U.S. vehicle titles are typically issued by the Secretary of State in the state where the vehicle was purchased, while the Department of Motor Vehicles is responsible for issuing them.

Please read all instructions and tips carefully before signing your Georgia title since it is a legal document. Filling out your title incorrectly could make it void, requiring you to obtain a duplicate copy. Here in this article, we explain how to correctly prepare your Georgia car title.

Make sure you don’t void your title 

  • Only use black or blue pens
  • Highlighter or white-out should not be used
  • Strikethroughs, write-overs, scribbles, or tears are not allowed
  • If you are not an authorized dealer, do not sign in to the Dealer Reassignment section

Although the signature and printed name fields may be located in different places, you will still need to print and sign your name in the appropriate places if your title design differs from the image below.

Georgia car title

This is what must be done by the person(s) named on the title:

  • Name(s) should be printed on the back of the title where it says “Transferor’s (Seller’s) Printed Name.”
  • On the back of the title, sign where it reads “Transferor’s (Seller’s) Signature.”
  • A lien on the title must be released on the title or accompanied by a separate lien release letter.

Tips for signatures

  • The title must be signed by both owners and leave the Buyer line blank. 
  • If you have changed your name since the title was issued, don’t sign with your new name, but with the name listed on the title.
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Tony Rached