Georgia’s 2019 Drives Car Tag & Title System

  • What does the Georgia “DRIVES” acronym stand for?

    DRIVES = Georgia Driver Record and Integrated Vehicle Enterprise System

Key facts about the Georgia drives system upgrade 2019

Georgia DRIVES system upgrade

Georgia DRIVES – Frequently Asked Questions – Car Dealers:

  • Q: Will dealers be able to finalize deals between May 19th and May 28th?
    A: All pended deals will be queued during the state’s transition to DRIVES and will seamlessly be converted to the new DRIVES system. Dealerships will be able to finalize their deals on May 28th.

  • Q: Will dealerships be penalized for late transactions during the state’s transition to DRIVES?
    A: The state will not be assessing penalties for Late Deal Documents between May 19th- June 7th. Additionally, May 31st will be the last day to finalize eligible ETR transactions without a TAVT penalty.

  • Q: Will DRIVES change the current rules for processing a TOP only deal?
    A: The process for TOP only deals will remain the same. Out of State, Military, and Tax-Exempt customers will still be entered as TOP only deals.

  • Q: What is the cut-off date for using the old TOPs and can we still use them until we run out?
    A: The cutoff date for using the OLD TOPS stock is midnight on May 22nd. After that time, old TOPS should be destroyed and only the NEW TOPS inventory should be used. Dealers who fail to destroy their unused TOPS and/or continue to print TOPS on the old stock after May 23rd may be subject to fines and/or penalties.

  • Q: Will the price of TOPS be changing with DRIVES?
    A: There are no price changes with the new TOPS inventory. All prices will remain the same.

  • Q: Will the customer and vehicle inquiries in GRATIS be available during the state’s transition to DRIVES? What about the TAVT Calculator?
    A: Yes. GRATIS inquiries and the online TAVT calculator will be available during the transition to DRIVES.

  • Q: Will there be delays with customer’s receiving hard plates between May 19th and May 28th?
    A: Transactions completed between May 19th – May 28th will all receive a TOP that will be valid for 45 days. The customer will receive metal plates for these transactions once they are finalized after May 28th.

  • Q: Are the new TOPS still ordered and received through TitleTec?
    A: Your new TOPS inventory will still be ordered and received the same way as the old stock was in TitleTec. Nothing is changing in the way your dealership handles TOPS with TitleTec.

  • Q: Will there be a change in the registration expiration with the new TOPS?
    A: There will be no change in registration length, the new TOPS expiration date remains the same at 45 days. Dealers also still have 30 days to submit their deal documents to the state.

  • Q: Will the new TOPS inventory still be ordered through GADA and GIADA after the state’s transition to DRIVES?
    A: Yes! The new TOPS will be ordered through TitleTec and shipped by GADA and GIADA.

  • Q: Will DRIVES change the dealership’s self scanning functionality?
    A: Absolutely not. The new DRIVES system will not change our scanning functionality. Dealers will continue to upload their documents as usual.

  • Q: Will the new TOPS be available to use prior to May 23th?
    A: The new TOPS are available for order now but may only be used starting May 23rd. They may not be used prior to this time.

  • Q: What is the preferred method of destroying the old TOPS?
    A: The state has requested that all old TOPS be destroyed on May 23rd. The state recommends shredding as the best method of disposal.

  • Q: Will the DRIVES system eliminate the need for dealers to process MV-34’s?
    A: Dealerships will still need to submit the change of address form. The DRIVES transition does not change the dealer process and the workflow will remain the exact same.

  • Q: When will my dealership be able to Auto Re-Order TOPS again?
    A: Auto Re-Order will be turned back on May 23rd.

Georgia DRIVES – Important Dates – Car Dealers:

Sunday, May 19, 2019
  • 9pm: The state of Georgia will begin its’ conversion to You can still issue TOPs and enter ETR deals.
  • NOTE: All transactions not finalized by May 19th, will become available to finalize on May 28th.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
  • Dealerships will begin using the New TOP Inventory to print TOPs
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
  • The state has completed its’ transition to the new DRIVES
  • All deals have been securely converted to the new DRIVES system and can now be Finalized by the dealership.

Georgia DRIVES – New Temporary Operating Permit (TOP) or Temp Tags

  • Old TOPs:  Plate numbers are pre-assigned and pre-printed
  • New TOPs: Tag Numbers will not be
  • TOP numbers are assigned and printed with the vehicle VIN, model, and permit expiration date.

New TOP vs Old TOP Temporary Tag Georgia

NEW DRIVES e-Services Available Online With Georgia DRIVES Launch:

NEW Documents Available As Of May 28th:

Title Registration Pre-Application

Pre-apply for a title registration online.

Title Status LookupCheck the status of your title online.

Fleet Registration Maintenance & RenewalRenewing your company’s vehicles is now easier and quicker.

Have a registered fleet of 100 or more vehicles?

Renew all your vehicles at once online. Online Tag Renewal Notifications Go paperless when you sign up for email tag renewal notifications.

Sign up and receive an email when your vehicle is up for renewal instead of a mailed notification.

Sponsor PlatesSponsors can go online and log on to issue receipts for pre-paid plates.

Other Services Available Online:

• Replace Registration

• Cancel Registration

• Change Address

• Insurance Fine Payments

• Rental Car Registration & Renewal

• Leasing Company Registration & Renewal

• Start a Dealer Registration (Pre-apply online)

• Dealer Renewal

• Salvage and Assembled Vehicle (SAVI) Inspections

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