Anti-Steering Statute in Georgia for Auto Body Repair

The State of Georgia has strict anti-steering laws that prohibit companies, agents, adjusters, or appraisers from requiring consumers to utilize a particular service or source for repair of autos or property damage.

In other words, the insurance company cannot tell you where to get your car fixed. With that said, keep in mind that some collision shops inflate their estimates and you might be stuck with a bill if the estimate is deemed not typical or customary for the damage sustained. 

O.C.G.A. § 33-34-6 describes the selection of a motor-vehicle repair facility.

O.C.G.A. § 33-34-6 (pdf)

  • Georgia Code Title 33 – Insurance
  • Title 33, Chapter 34, Motor Vehicle Accident Reparations
  • Title 33, Chapter 34, Section 6, Selection of motor vehicle repair facility

(a)  Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this Code section, no insurer shall represent to a person making a claim under a motor vehicle insurance policy that the use of or the failure to use a particular repair facility or particular repair facilities may result in the nonpayment of a claim.
(b)  No insurer shall require a person making a claim under a motor vehicle insurance policy to use a particular repair facility or particular repair facilities in order to settle a claim if the person making the claim can obtain the repair work on the motor vehicle at the same cost from another source.

Auto Body Repair Anti-Steering Statute in Georgia

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