Quick claim handling guidelines and information about our appraisal services.
All Claims:
- The appraisal report is the evidence you need to support your claim
- Insurance adjusters need documentation before issuing payment
- Third party carriers are your adversaries and not your friend, their job is to minimize payouts and look after their client (the person who hit you)
- Insurance carriers are required by law to consider (consider = look at) evidence (evidence = appraisal report) submitted to them
Diminished Value:
- The body shop wrote an estimate, that was the proof the insurance company needed to pay for repairs; Same applies for DV, they need an appraisal to put in the claim dossier
- Diminished value amounts are negotiable
- Insurance companies use their own formula (17c) and won’t pay more unless proof is presented to them
- Insurance companies don’t honor dealer appraisals because of the conflict of interest (dealers want to buy the car for the minimum amount etc.)
- First party DV claims are only allowed in Georgia
- We can negotiate and settle first party DV claims against all Georgia policies except State Farm, Safeco and Auto Owners (their appraisal clause excludes DV)
- We don’t produce DV reports on cars with branded or salvage titles
- Our DV quotes are free, but we must receive a copy of the repair estimate
- Desk appraisals are $275 flat
- We charge $100 to negotiate and settle claims under the policy’s appraisal clause
- What you pay us for a desk review goes towards a field appraisal if you choose to get one
- We need to see the car if you are seeking repair related DV
Total Loss
- We charge $75 to look at the documents you have, we call it a claim review
- We charge $275 flat for an appraisal
- We charge $300 to negotiate and settle your claim (above and beyond the appraisal)
- We need to know if your vehicle has any customizations or upgrades
- We need to know if the vehicle has major maintenance done in the last 6 months (engine, transmission…)
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