Auction data reflects a brief pandemic-induced fall, then a sharp increase in prices this summer and autumn.

Cars are supposed to depreciate over time, this pandemic has made an exception to this rule.

Car Price Increase April - October 2020

Supply / Demand Imbalance

Weak Supply and Shortages 

  • Factories shut down 6 to 8 weeks, no new cars being made
  • No Repos, state moratoriums reduced supply
  • Weak rental market, less vehicle churn, less inventory at auctions
  • Lease Extensions for vehicle leases expiring during the pandemic

Strong Demand

  • Stimulus checks gave liquidity to low wage shoppers similar to the tax refund
  • Less carpooling due to social distancing forced people who didn’t have cars prior to buy a car
  • Low interest rates
  • Less reliable and older cars being phased out by shoppers not looking to repair

October 2019 vs. October 2020 Price Fluctuation Per Segment

Price Change 2019 to 2020

Segment Price Change  2019 to 2020
Compact Cars +5.5%
Midsize Cars +5.7%
Luxury Cars +18.6%
Pickup Trucks +28.2%
Sport Utility Vehicles +12.9%
Minivan +5.4%
Volume adjusted total +15.4%

Book Value Comparison 

Vehicle #1:
2018 Honda Accord LX 4D Sedan 1.5L at

04/01/2020 Average Trade-In = $16,920
10/30/2020 Average Trade-In = $16,865
Depreciation = $55 or 0.32%

04/01/2019 Average Trade-In = $17,645
10/30/2020 Average Trade-In = $17,220
Depreciation = $425 or 2.4%

Depreciation Variance = 7x slower in 2020 than in 2019

Vehicle #2:

2018 Lexus ES 350 4D Luxury Sedan

04/01/2020 Average Trade-In = $24,600
10/30/2020 Average Trade-In =$25,425
Depreciation = <$825> or <3.35%> – Car went UP in price

04/01/2019 Average Trade-In = $28,800
10/30/2020 Average Trade-In = $27,500
Depreciation = $1,300 or 4.5%

Depreciation Variance = 15x slower in 2020 than in 2019
TwelveMonthVehicleCategoryTrend-Exported-On-2020-11-16 (1)

Vehicle #3:

2018 Ford F150 Platinum Supercrew 4WD 145

04/01/2020 Average Trade-In = $40,050
10/30/2020 Average Trade-In =$42,400
Depreciation = <$2,350> or <5.86%> – Car went UP in price

04/01/2019 Average Trade-In = $44,060
10/30/2020 Average Trade-In = $42,900
Depreciation = $1,160 or 2.63%

Depreciation Variance = 16 x slower in 2020 than in 2019
TwelveMonthVehicleCategoryTrend-Exported-On-2020-11-16 (2)
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Diminished Value Car Appraiser