Country Financial Insurance – Contact Info
Southern Regional Office:
Physical Address
13560 Morris Road
Suite 4000
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Telephone Numbers
Local: 770-350-5046
Toll Free: 1-800-964-4504
Fax: 1-866-255-7961
Kevin Onysio, Mgr
Wayne Bolgla, Supv
Katrina Ingram, Supv
Maria Warrington, Fld Clm Supv
Charlene Mitchell, Sr Clm Spec
John Andrus, Clm Spec
Rob Borders, Clm Spec
Sherri Parsons, Clm Spec
Greg Stewart, Clm Spec
Ann Wright, Clm Spec
Charlotte Arnold, Sr Clm Rep
Zach Daviou, Sr Clm Rep
Randal Green, Sr Clm Rep
Claudette Gunn, Sr Clm Rep
Cheryl Harris, Sr Clm Rep
Nia Hentz, Sr Clm Rep
Ivis Howard, Sr Clm Rep
Scott Johnson, Sr Prop Clm Rep
Shane Lindsey, Sr Clm Rep
Maggie Milsap, Sr Clm Rep
Bernice Parham, Sr Clm Rep
Susan Porter, Sr Clm Rep
Sherry Sexton, Sr Clm Rep
Carlton Smith, Sr Clm Rep
Mark Sweeny, Sr Clm Rep
Julie Clack, Sr Clm Rep-Prop
Teresa Epley, Sr Clm Rep-Prop
William Driscoll,m Clm Spec/Cullman
Skip Hopkins, Clm Spec/Montgomery
Odessa Dorsey, Clm Rep
Kowanna Harris, Clm Rep
John Altonen, Fld Clm Spec
Edith Tonker, Fld Clm Spec
Yadira Felton, Sr Fld Clm Supt
Dina Thigpen, Sr Fld Clm Supt
Karen Woodome, Sr Fld Clm Supt
Kathi Palmer, Sr Clm Supt Rep
Taliesin Sanger, Sr Clm Supt Rep
Kenyatta Ervin, Sr MD App
Ward Karsmen, MD App
Atlanta West Office:
Physical Address
5909 D Peachtree Dunwoody Road NE
Suite 725
Atlanta, GA 30328
Telephone Numbers
Local: 770-901-9055
Toll Free: 1-866-464-6648
Fax: 1-866-452-2235
David Hall, Fld Clm Supv
Edna Barber, Sr Fld Clm Supt Rep
Ruthie Payne, Sr Fld Clm Rep
Chris Chamblee, Sr Fld Clm Rep
Phil Stembridge, Sr Fld Clm Rep
Barbara Stewart, Sr Fld Clm Rep
Logan Witt, Sr Fld Clm Rep
James Martin, Fld Clm Spec
Lorinda Pittmon, Fld Clm Rep
Scott Wuellner, Fld Clm Rep
Mark Barronton, Sr Clm Rep
Scott Johnston, Clm Spec
Nathan Peacock, Clm Spec
Denise Zdenahlik, SIU Spec
Savannah Office:
Physical Address
130 Canal Street
Suite 301
Pooler, GA 31322
Telephone Numbers
Local: 912-748-0894
Toll Free: 1-888-452-6046
Fax: 1-800-354-6046
Kevin Strothmann, Mgr
Phil Jansen, Clm Spec
Greg Brundage, Fld Adj
Vinnie Ciriello, Fld Adj
Tom Hirsch, Fld Adj
Tifton Office:
Physical Address
114 West 12th Street
Suite A
Tiftin, GA 31794
Telephone Numbers
Local: 912-748-2894
Toll Free: 1-888-452-0019
Fax: 1-800-354-6046
Kevin Strothmann, Mgr
Lee McBrayer, Clm Spec
Glen Waters, Sr Fld Rep
Bruce Watt, Sr Fld Rep
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