Below is a list of the day supply by brand for August 2019.


  • What is Day Supply?
    Day Supply is the number of days it takes for a dealer to sell out of his vehicle inventory as long as no fresh units are being added.
  • High Day Supply = Slow Selling Make  (Bad)
  • Low Day Supply = Fast Selling Make / Scarcity (Good)
Low Day Supply
#1 (Best) Subaru 27
2 Kia 35
3 Mercedes 48
4 Land Rover 49
5 BMW 52
High Day Supply
#1 (Worst) Fiat 211
2 Genesis 146
3 VW 120
4 Lincoln 114
5 Buick  112

Day Supply is at its highest since 2015, indicating signs of an automotive recession

Change from 2015 to 2019 ( +12 days or +20%)

Year Day Supply Change
2015 59  
2016 61 +3%
2017 69 +13%
2018 66 -4%
2019 71 +8%