Appraisal Guarantees – Diminished Value Claims

  • Question:

    Does Diminished Value of Georgia Guarantee that the Insurance Company will Pay the Appraised Value?

This is one of the most common questions we receive. 
  • Answer:

    Most clients request a claim review (free quote) before hiring us to do an appraisal. This review will give the client an idea as to what our appraised amount will look like once they order an appraisal.
    Yes, we will guarantee that our appraisal will match the quote provided as long as no additional information is uncovered (prior loss etc.)

    Guaranteeing the amount to be paid by the carrier, that’s a separate issue.

    Clients contact us because they suspect that the insurance company’s offer is too low or unfair. Their suspicions are usually correct as 80% of reviews we perform yield an amount greater than the insurance offer.

    Once this happens, the client’s options are to either take the insurance offer OR to challenge it. Our DV appraisal is the document/evidence clients need in order to push their claim forward.

    Once the client sends our appraisal to the adjuster, they normally receive a supplemental check OR a call to negotiate a settlement.

    Since we’re not involved in the negotiation portion as we are not lawyers, we cannot control the outcome of the claim or what amount the client will accept as a settlement.

    That is why we cannot guarantee an amount. With that said, however, our internal data shows that 9 out of 10 of our clients amicably settle their claims; o average they’re achieving 80 to 85% of our appraised value is take home cash settlements.

    So, the decision is binary, a 1 or a 0, does a client want to raise their hand and object to an unfair/low offer or move on?

    Appraisal Guarantees - Diminished Value Claims

[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Appraisal Guarantees – Diminished Value Claims” description=”Does Diminished Value of Georgia Guarantee that the Insurance Company will Pay the Appraised Value?” rev_name=”Appraisal Guarantees” rev_body=”Internal data shows that 9 out of 10 of our clients amicably settle their claims; o average they’re achieving 80 to 85% of our appraised value is take home cash settlements.” author=”Diminished Value of Georgia” pubdate=”2019-05-23″ user_review=”5″ min_review=”0″ max_review=”0″ ]

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Diminished Value Car Appraiser