7 Best Safety Tips from Expert Drivers in the World

It is estimated that roughly 1 billion people in the world drive cars, or know how to drive a car. That is a significant portion of the world’s population. Sadly, if you think about how many people actually follow safety guidelines and tips among the 1 billion, the number would be significantly lower. Most people learn to drive from their parent or elder family members, who tell them what the two (or three) pedals to, how gears are shifted, and that is all.

Road safety is something that shouldn’t be neglected at any cost. Therefore, we bring you the 7 best safety tips from expert drivers.

Avoid Distractions

Although every driver knows that they aren’t supposed to look at their phones while driving, yet a large number of people still do this. Whenever the phone rings and you get a notification, you are tempted to see who has called or texted. To avoid this, you should activate driving mode on your smartphone, which would detect that you are driving and stop sending you notifications to keep you from getting distracted.

Always Wear a Seat Belt

This is another safety measure every driver knows, but only a few actually follow it. Seat belts can actually save lives and prevent serious injury. Whenever the vehicle crashes, there is a very high force exerted on the car, which may propel you into the dashboard or windshield. However, the seat belt keeps you from getting severely injured, and you should wear them, regardless of what your speed is.

Stay Active

It is very important to keep all your mental faculties in check while you are driving, as the slightest dip in your thinking or reflexes can prove to be hazardous. For this reason, make sure to never drink and drive, because alcohol tends to compromise your response time and increase the chances of an accident happening.

Don’t Drive When You Are Tired

Apart from alcohol, fatigue and sleeplessness can also impair your mental faculties and response time, so you should save driving for a time when you are most alert and well-rested. Or if you know that a long drive is coming ahead, make sure to catch up on your sleep beforehand.

Avoid Impulsive Over Speeding

Sometimes, drivers get triggered when other motorists zoom past them at a higher speed, or swerve into their lane, and this causes them to step on the pedal and try to overtake them. This may be exhilarating, but it is incredibly reckless and endangers your life. Since you are consumed by the need for speed, you are more likely to make mistakes, such as pressing the brakes late.

Keep Your Eyes Open

If your car is spinning on the road for any reason and you can see that it is going to hit a guardrail or wall, make sure to keep your eyes open and on the road. In such a situation, keeping your eyes fixed on the road will cause you to turn the steering wheel in that direction. Also, prevent using the brakes when your car is spinning, but keep accelerating carefully.

Look as Far Ahead as Possible

If you only look at the car in front of you while driving, then you are more prone to crashing into it. What happens is that while driving on a busy road or freeway, when one car suddenly brakes, all of the subsequent cars need to pump their brakes, and due to the difference in braking and response time, most of them crash into each other. Therefore, try to keep your eyes on the three or four cars in front of you. This way, you will be able to brake much quicker if any one of them slams their brakes.

That is all we have for you on road safety tips that you must follow always. By keeping these things in mind, you will be able to prevent accidents, which result in significant damage to your car, and put your life at risk.

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