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Auction Access now Charges $99 per User

Auction Access now Charges $99 per User Starting January 2020, AuctionAccess will start charging $99 per user for a service that was free for 20 years. Being a monopoly on dealer auction credentialing, AuctionAccess (owned by AutoTec, LLC in Birmingham AL) is now extorting dealers for a fee that usually

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TradeRev BuyNow Feature Updated

TradeRev BuyNow Feature Updated

Last week TradeRev made changes to Buy Now to streamline sales for both Buyers and Sellers.

Here’s what happened: 

No more offers on Buy Now. Every vehicle will be available for the visible floor price. Before this, buyers had to put an offer on buy-it-now inventory and that was annoying and pointless.
Floor price is now the Buy Now Price. Vehicles with a floor price that are not sold at the standard auction will automatically be listed in Buy Now for a second chance to sell. 
Sellers Must Opt into Buy Now. If seller want their vehicles to automatically move into Buy Now in the event of a no-sale, they must ensure that option is enabled in their Settings. 

The floor price input is now in the Overview section on web and the Overview page on mobile. 

Buyers must update their mobile app to TradeRev 4.30. 

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States Ranked by Worst Drivers

States Ranked by Worst Drivers, Most Fatal Collisions Per Miles Driven. Car Accidents List State Number of drivers involved in fatal collisions per billion miles Rank Score Percentage Of Drivers Involved In Fatal Collisions Who Were Speeding # of Drivers Rank Score Percentage Of Drivers Involved In Fatal Collisions Who Were Alcohol-Impaired # of drivers Rank Score Winners

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Car Dealer Industry Labor Force

Below is a table outlining the number of employees in the U.S. motor vehicle and parts dealer industry from 2007 to 2018. Year Employees x 1,000 Y/Y Change 2007 1,911 2008 1,871 -2.1% 2009 1,634 -12.7% 2010 1,625 -0.6% 2011 1,685 3.7% 2012 1,730 2.7% 2013 1,782 3.0% 2014 1,851

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Georgia Magistrates Council Forms

Georgia Magistrates Council Forms. Magistrate Court is often called Small Claims Court. This court helps regular citizens represent themselves (pro-se), without an attorney, in cases against other individuals or companies.

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New Car Day Supply January 2020

New Car Day Supply January 2020

What is “Day Supply”: If a car dealer stops receiving new inventory, the day supply is the number of days it will take (at the current rate of sale) for the dealer to run out of vehicles.

The lower the day supply number the healthier the dealer is as inventory is turning quickly.

Car Makers with the shortest Day Supply (good):

Subaru, 21 days
BMW, 34 days
Kia, 34 days
Audi, 36 days
Lexus, 37 days

Car Makers with the longest Day Supply (bad):

Fiat, 214 days
VW, 117 days
Mini, 103 days
Jeep, 94 days
Mitsubishi, 84 days

Day Supply 5-year Chart

Year Day Supply
2016 61
2017 63
2018 61
2019 62
2020 58

Day Supply: Domestics vs. Imports

January 2020 January 2019
US Car Makers 67 82
European Car Makers 52 62
Japanese Car Makers  52 62
Korean Car Makers 47 52
Auto Industry 58 69

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Atlanta’s #1 Car Appraisers

The Free Estimate Game:

Would you rather collect 80% of an accurate appraisal or 20% of an inflated one?

Many clients believe that if another appraiser gives them a higher initial estimate, the settlement amount will be equally high. WRONG!

Insurance companies know who the legitimate appraisers are, so don't get caught up in the estimate game. Hire an appraiser based on their credentials and reputation.

Seven things to look for when choosing an appraisal company