2013-LEXUS-GSThe All-New Lexus GS is a very attractive looking vehicle. In this post we will discuss which model to pick, the standard Gasoline (GS350) or the hybrid (GS450h).

As far as performance there is only a 0.1 second improvement on the 0-60 benchmark. Even though the hybrid possesses more horsepower, the added battery weight reduces performance.

The base price difference between the 350 and the hybrid is $12,050.

The MPG difference is 6 (34-28).



2013-LEXUS-GS-quick specs

@ 15,000 miles per year
@ $3.5 per gallon

Model GS350 GS450H Difference
MPG 28 34 6
MSRP $46,900 $58,950 $12,050
Gallons per Year 535 gal 441 gal 94
Gas Cost Per Year $1,872 $1,545 $327
Years to break Even 36.8


@ 25,000 miles per year
@ $4.5 per gallon

Model GS350 GS450H Difference
MPG 28 34 6
MSRP $46,900 $58,950 $12,050
Gallons per Year 892 735 157
Gas Cost Per Year $4,015 $3,307 $708
Years to break Even 17


@ 30,000 miles per year
@ $5 per gallon

Model GS350 GS450H Difference
MPG 28 34 6
MSRP $46,900 $58,950 $12,050
Gallons per Year 1071 882 -189
Gas Cost Per Year $5,357 $4,412 $945
Years to break Even 13


Unless you’re an executive for Greenpeace, the hybrid option makes no sense whatsoever.

Want to calculate Gas savings yourself, use our calculator.
Gas Savings Calculator Hybrid v gas

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