2008 Ford F350SD Lariat Crew Cab 4WD DRW
VIN:   1FT3W33R8
UVC:   2008300642
VIN + UVC:   1FT3W33R8642
MSRP:   $39,415
Finance Advance:   $29,575
Model Number:   W33
Price Includes:   AT AC
Adj. State:   National
Mileage:   97,670
Mileage Cat:   D
Months Value
12 $26,225
24 $21,775
30 $20,650
36 $19,525
42 $18,450
48 $17,375
60 $14,350
72 $8,325
Tire Size:   245/75R17 
Base HP:   362 @ 4750 
Taxable HP:   47.7 
Weight:   12,600 
Fuel Type:   Diesel 
Wheelbase:   172.0 
Drive Train:   4WD 
Black Book Wholesale as of 07/30/2012 (weekly)
Extra Clean Clean Average Rough
Base N/A $26,650 $23,650 $20,900
Options N/A $5,500 $5,500 $5,500
Mileage Adj. N/A ($3,025) ($2,375) ($1,725)
Total N/A $29,125 $26,775 $24,675
Black Book Retail as of 07/30/2012 (weekly)
Extra Clean Clean Average Rough
Base N/A $30,725 $27,450 $23,875
Options N/A $5,500 $5,500 $5,500
Mileage Adj. N/A ($3,025) ($2,375) ($1,725)
Total N/A $33,200 $30,575 $27,650
Black Book Trade-In as of 07/30/2012 (weekly)
Clean Average Rough
Base $26,970 $24,250 $19,645
Options $5,500 $5,500 $5,500
Mileage Adj. ($3,025) ($2,375) ($1,725)
Total $29,445 $27,375 $23,420
 Black Book Add/Deducts
  6.4L Powerstroke V8 Dsl +$5,500
  Chrome Package +$200
  Entertainment System +$300
  Flat Dump +$2,100
  Flat/Stake Bed +$1,200
  Heated Seat Package +$200
  Hook Type Wrecker +$4,000
  Landscape Body +$1,100
  Liftgate +$800
  Navigation System +$300
  Off-Road Package +$350
  Power Moonroof +$450
  Refrigerated Body +$4,500
  Rollback Wrecker +$8,000
  Utility / Work Body +$1,200
  Van Body +$1,100
  5.4L V8 -$100
  Cab & Chassis -$100
  w/o AT – Exc Diesel -$1,150
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Diminished Value Car Appraiser