Complaint  – Vehicle Sale Without a Valid Georgia Vehicle Emissions Inspection


Follow the link above to find the Used Vehicle Sale Complaint Form regarding a vehicle allegedly sold in Georgia without a current, valid passing emissions inspection on file (dated within 12 months of the purchase date).

To view your vehicle’s most recent Georgia Emissions Inspection report (VIR), visit the Georgia’s Clean Air Force (GCAF) web site (, link to the Motorists tab and choose “Print a Copy of Your VIR” under “Quick Links.”
In order for this complaint to be initiated and properly investigated, you must complete the Used Vehicle Sale Complaint Form and provide at a minimum, the following information:

· Completed affidavit detailing events of sale
· Copy of the bill of sale
· Copy of title (front and back), if available (title application, if not)
· Copy of most recent VIR(s), if available
· Copy of repair receipts and/or diagnostic tests (if any)
· Copy of any additional paperwork provided at time of sale

The completed Used Vehicle Sale Complaint Form and supporting documentation can be submitted via e-mail to, or drop it off at one of the GCAF Customer Service Centers.
Once this information is received, an investigation will be initiated to determine if there has been a violation of O.C.G.A. 12-9-54. GCAF personnel will conduct the investigation within five business days and notify you via mail or email.
Please note that GCAF does not have the authority to work on your behalf or negotiate vehicle buyback or repair settlements between you and the seller. Outreach, education and enforcement actions by GCAF and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) are completely separate from any actions you may take against the seller.


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