When selling a used car, it’s all about the mileage! However, what you may not know is that a few thousand miles can make a big difference in the sales price. With 10,000 miles or less, the average sales price is somewhere in the range of $17,000 – $18,000. As expected, when the mileage increases, the average sales price continues to drop at a pretty even rate. However, looking at the price of a car with 49,000 miles, compared to a car with 50,001 miles, the price change is quite dramatic – dropping from $12,500 down to $11,000 or less.

So when it comes to selling or buying a used car, keep in mind that it only takes 1,000 miles to make a big difference!!

Used cars with 49,999 miles on the odometer sell for a lot more than at 50,001 miles

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