Maine Insurance Commissioner Complaint Information


Filing Complaints with the Maine Bureau of Insurance Electronically


Filing Complaints with the Maine Bureau of Insurance by Mail or Fax

Maine Department of Insurance Complaint Form – pdf



Instructions for Filing a Complaint
Please provide the details:

Tell us what happened, who was involved, and why you think the company or agent is wrong.
Have you tried to resolve this problem? If so, please provide us with details of the efforts you have made to resolve this problem.
What do you want the company to do?
Please be sure to attach copies (not originals) of applicable documents, such as:

Letters, e-mail and other communications, such as notices from the insurance company, explanations of benefits and appeal decisions, between you and the insurance company or agent concerning your complaint;
Records explaining how claim payments were calculated;
A copy of your insurance policy or certificate of coverage;
Lost property forms, vehicle appraisals, police reports;
Any additional information you feel might be pertinent to the complaint.
NOTE:  If you are filing online, any paper copies listed above can be either sent by fax to (207) 624-8599 or to the mailing address below.  Please include your name and the words “Consumer Complaint.”

Additional Infomation:
Bureau of Insurance
34 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

If you need help please call (207) 624-8475 (in Maine toll free 1-800-300-5000).