Was your car damaged during Hurricane Florence?

Is the insurance company offering you a fair value for your totaled vehicle?

Did you know that your insurance policy contains an appraisal clause?


Here’s what your policy’s appraisal clause says:

“If we cannot agree with you on the amount of a loss, then we or you may demand
an appraisal of the loss. Within 30 days of any demand for an appraisal, each party
shall appoint a competent and impartial appraiser and shall notify the other party of
that appraiser’s identity. The appraisers will determine the amount of loss. If they fail to
agree, the disagreement will be submitted to a qualified and impartial umpire chosen
by the appraisers. If the two appraisers are unable to agree upon an umpire within 15
days, we or you may request that a judge of a court of record, in the county where you
reside, select an umpire. The appraisers and umpire will determine the amount of loss.
The amount of loss agreed to by both appraisers, or by one appraiser and the umpire,
will be binding. You will pay your appraiser’s fees and expenses. We will pay our
appraiser’s fees and expenses. All other expenses of the appraisal, including payment
of the umpire if one is selected, will be shared equally between us and you. Neither
we nor you waive any rights under this policy by agreeing to an appraisal.”

We are licensed North Carolina and South Carolina Car Appraisers.

Don’t settle for less than your car is worth.


Free Total Loss Claim Review

Wondering what you car is worth? Let us review your claim and let you know.


Please email us a copy of the insurance company’s valuation and we will get back to you within 24 hours with your car’s fair market value.

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Diminished Value Car Appraiser