What is the Georgia Secure Power of Attorney Form T-8s and when can it be used?

Georgia Secure Power of Attorney Form T-8s (PDF)

  • Secure powers of attorney can only be used, in rare instances, when the title is not available at the time of sale or transfer because the title is missing or is being held by the owners’ lienholder or security interest holder.
  • Secure power of attorney forms are not available at the department’s Motor Vehicle Division or the County Tag Offices.
  • Licensed Georgia Car dealers are the only entities who can provide a secure POA
  • The secure power of attorney (Form T-8S) is designed for use by dealerships to allow them to accept vehicles that have been traded-in and to sell those vehicles when the title is not available at the time of transfer because it is lost or being held by a lien or security interest holder.
  • The secure power of attorney (Form T-8S) must be signed in front of a notary
  • Part A of the secure power of attorney (Form T-8S) is designed for the current owner to appoint the dealership as their attorney-in-fact to sign all documents required to secure a title and to disclose the mileage on the title when it becomes available.
  • Part B is invalid unless Part A is completed; however, Part B does not always have to be completed, since it is possible for the title to be available at the time of transfer to a new owner.
  • The dealership’s representative shown in Part C will be the individual required to complete all title assignments on behalf of the dealership
  • Form T-8S comes in quintuplicates:
    –  The original copy is to accompany title, original application for Georgia title, and fees,
    –  The yellow copy is for duplicate titles,
    –  The pink is for the original owner
    –  The green copy is for the dealership
    – The blue copy is for the new buyer

  • T-8S is only valid if original, no copies or faximilies will be considered
  • Changes or edits to the POA after the fact is a felony
Georgia Secure Power of Attorney Form T-8s
Image of the Georgia Secure Power of Attorney Form T 8s



LI,        T..S                                                     GEORGIA SECURE POWER OF ATTORNEY 


WARNING! This form may only be used when title is physically heldby lien holder ot when title has been lost. In all other cases where the title

is unavailable at the time of sale, a Georgia Dealer Reassignment Supplement must be used. This fonn must be submitted to the State of Georgia by the person exercising Power(s) of Attorney to secure a Certificate of litle.Failure to do so may result in fines and/or imprisonment.



Year                             Make                                       Model                           BodvTvna                                            Vehicle IdentificationNumber


PART A. Power of Attorney to Disclose Mileage

Federal and State laws requrie that you state the mileage upon transfer of ownership. Failure to complete orproviding a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment.

I,                                                                                                            , appoint

(print seller’s/transferor’s name)                                                                       (print transferee’s/buyer’s name)

as my attorney-in-fact, to sign all papers and documents required to secure a Georgia litle and to disclose the mileage on the title for the vehicle described above, exactly as stated in my following disclosure.


I, (seller/transferor) state that the odometer now reads                             (no tenths) miles and, to the best of my knowledge, that it reflects the actual mileage unless one of the following statements is checked.

[     ] (1) The mileage statedis in excess of its mechanical limits.         [     ] (2) The odometer readingis NOT the actual mileage. WARNING – ODOMETER DISCREPANCY


(seller’s/transferor’s printed name)                                                                                  (buyer’s/transfere’es printed name)


(seller’s/transferor’ssignature)                      (date)                                                         (buyer’s/transferee’s signature)                                                              (date)

(Seller’s/transferor’s street address)                                                                                (buyer’s/transferee’s street address) (city, state, zip code)                                                                            (city, state, zip code)

Subscribed andsworn before me this                                                                                                               Printed Name of Notary Public

day of                                                          year                                                                                         Street Address of Notary Public Signature & Seal or Stamp of Notary Public                                                           Date Commission Expires

PART B. Power of Attorney to Review Title Documents and Acknowledge Disclosure

(Part B is invalid unless Part Ahas been completed) Federal and State laws require that youstate the mileage upon transfer of ownership.

Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or Imprisonment.


  I,                                                                                                         ,appoint                                                                                            printed name                                                                                                                    printed name

as my attorney-in-fact, to sign all papers and documents required to secure a Georgia Trtle and to sign the mileage disclosure on the title for the vehicle described above, only if the disclosure is exactly as thed.isciosure completed below.

 I,                                                                                            , state that the odometer now reads                     (no tenths) miles and, to the best of my knowledge, that it

printed name

reflects the actual mileage unless oneof the following statements is checked.

[     J (1) The mileage stated is in excess of its mechanical limits. [    ] (2) The odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. WARNING – ODOMETER DISCREPANCY Transferor’s (dealership’s)printed name as shown in PartA above                                  Transferee’s printed name (new buyer)

Transferor’s (dealership’s) signature                   (date)                                                      Transferee’s signature (new buyer)                                                                    (date)


Transferor’s (dealership’s) street address                                                                           Transferee’s street address (new buyer)

(city, state, zip code)                                                                                                    (city, state, zip code)

Subscribed and sworn before me this                                                                                                                Printed Name of Notary Public

day of                                                          year                                                                                        Street Address of Notary Public Signature & Seal or Stamp of Notary Public                                                               Date Commission Expires

PART C. CERTIFICATION(To Be Completed ONLY After Parts A and B or Part A ONLY Have Been Completed)


I,                                                                                                                                                            , hereby certify that the mileage I havedisclosed on the

(Printed Name of Person Exercising Power of Attorney for Dealership)

title document is consistent with that provided to me in the above power of attorney. Further, upon examination of the title and any reassignment documents for the vehicle described above, the mileage disclosure I have made on the title pursuant to the power of attorney is greater than that previously stated on the title and reassignment documents. This certification is notintended to create, nor does it create any new or additional liability under Federal or State law.


(printed name of dealership as shown in Part A above)             (date)                         (Signature of Person shown in Part CExercising Power of Attorney for Dealership) (dealership’s street address)                                                                                    (city, state, zip code)

Subscr.ibed andsworn before me this                                                                                                                Printed Name of Notary Public

day of                                                          year                                                                                         Street Address of Notary Public Sianature & Seal or Stamp of Notarv Public                                                              Date Commission Expires





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