Georgia car dealers are assessed heavy fines if they violate certain rules and regulations including:

Georgia Car Dealer Schedule of Fines (PDF)

  1. Failure to apply for a title in the retail purchaser’s name within 30 calendar days after the date of sale; $500 per violation;Motor Vehicles Fees, Fines, and Penalties | Georgia
  2. In possession of an open title not properly assigned as prescribed by O.C.G.A. Title 40: $250 per violation;
  3. Failure to display a properly completed buyers guide as prescribed by the Federal Trade Commission Rules: $250 per violation;
  4. The display or sale of a vehicle for profit in violation of O.C.G.A. code by unlicensed persons who have not properly titled and tagged, in their name, the vehicle offered for sale: $500 per violation;
  5. Failure to furnish the retail purchaser of a vehicle the proper documents in order for said purchaser to obtain a tag for that vehicle within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of purchase: $500 per violation;
  6. Aiding and abetting an unlicensed person in selling vehicles by allowing the unlicensed person to sell those vehicles using a license granted by the Division: $500 per violation;
  7. Failing to properly complete a “finance contract” which complies with the Federal Reserve System, Title I, Regulation Z (Truth In Lending Act) when financing vehicles which are being sold to purchasers: $500 per violation
  8. Failing to maintain the required surety bond or liability insurance: $500 fine;
  9. Failure to properly make application to the Division for a name change or change of location within the required 30 day period: $250 fine;
  10. Failure to make application for an off-­‐premises Class II temporary license: $250 per violation;
  11. Failure to check the appropriate box on odometer disclosure statement and certificate of title: $500 per violation;
  12. Failure to submit an application for change of ownership in the required 30 day period: $100 fine;
  13. Failure to obtain a bill of sale or odometer statement from the individual or company from which the licensee acquired the vehicle: $250 per violation.

Motor Vehicles Fees Fines Penalties Georgia


Georgia Car Dealer Schedule of Fines

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