A quick recap of Auto industry-related headlines for June 2021

  • Wholesale prices remain strong, however, there are signs of softening in the market this week, as prices of newer used vehicles seem to be hitting a ceiling.
  • Cars segments at +0.75% are the lowest weekly gain in seventeen weeks and Truck / SUV segments at +0.68% are the lowest weekly gain in fifteen weeks.
  • The full-size crossover/SUV segment had the highest gains for the week at 1.17%, followed closely by Full-size Vans at +1.08%.
  • Wholesale values have continued to rise for 20-consecutive weeks.
  • Car segments increased this week by 0.97%.
  • Truck segments increased this week by 1.02%

Despite the limited inventory on dealer lots, dealer lanes continue to have higher volumes at auction, while manufacturers’ remarketing lanes are offering less and less in open sales channels.

Wholesale volume-weighted basis Car and Truck prices

Wholesale Prices

This Week Last Week 2017-2019 Average (Same Week)
Car segments +0.75% +0.97% -0.35%
Truck & SUV segments +0.68% +0.94% -0.22%
Market +0.70% +0.95% -0.27%


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