Top 5 reasons why people take their vehicles to a dealership express service for basic maintenanceCar Dealer Express Service Stats 2020

  1. Trust dealership-trained technicians, 44%
  2. The dealership is near where I work or live, 30%
  3. The price is reasonable, 11%
  4. I want parts made specifically for my vehicle, 8%
  5. I can make an appointment, 7%

How long does an express service appointment at a dealership usually takes:

  • Less than 30 minutes, 16%
  • 30 minutes to 1 hour, 51%
  • 1 hour to 90 minutes, 19%
  • 90 minutes to 2 hours, 7%
  • More than 2 hours, 7%

Most preferred communication method between dealer and customer 

  1. Email 50%
  2. Text 32%
  3. Phone call 12%
  4. Mail 4%
  5. Mobile app 2%

Likelihood of downloading an app for service reminders

  1. Very likely/likely 54%
  2. Very unlikely/unlikely 27%
  3. Neither likely nor unlikely 19%

Car Dealer – Express Service Revenue, June-August 2020

  Repair Order Count Revenue Average RO Value
June 2020 534,200 $78,600,000 $143
July 2020 601,900 $87,800,000 $146
August 2020 610,700 87,200,000 $143
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