
2020 Mazda CX-9 Diminished Value Case Study (PDF)

Let’s imagine you’re driving your 2020 Mazda CX-9, enjoying a beautiful evening. This car isn’t just any car; it’s your pride and joy. Suddenly, a small accident happens. At first, it seems like no big deal. But there’s something most people don’t think about right away: even after fixing it, your car’s worth less now. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s true.

When your Mazda gets into a bump or crash, its value drops, no matter how well you fix it up. Here’s a simple way to see what we mean:

Diminished Value Calculator
 Before Accident Cash Value $26,325
 After Accident Cash Value $21,060
 Diminished Value $5,265

No matter whose fault it was, your car just isn’t worth as much anymore. But how much less? Let’s dive into that.

What’s This All About?

After a car is in an accident and fixed, it’s not seen the same way anymore. When you go to sell or trade it in, people will pay less for it.

What many don’t tell you is that some cars, like your 2020 Mazda CX-9, lose more value than others after an accident. People love these cars for their good looks and how they drive. So, when they’re damaged and fixed, the drop in value can be a big shock

How Do We Figure Out the Loss?

As licensed car appraisers, we take a close look at every detail of your car to figure out exactly how much value it’s lost. This isn’t just about the repairs. We consider everything—how the accident affects how people see your car, which can make it tougher to sell at a good price. It’s our job to make sure you know the full story and help you get compensated for this loss.

Your car’s value took a hit, no question. Need to know by how much? We’re here to help! Get a FREE Claim Review or call (678) 404-0455 to get what you deserve.

Wrapping Up

Finding out your 2020 Mazda CX-9 is worth less after an accident can be tough. But with the right tools and help, you can figure out this tricky situation and get the money you deserve. Remember, it’s not just about the car looking good again. It’s also about making sure you don’t lose out financially.

Ever thought about how an accident affects your car’s value, even after a fix-up?

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Tony Rached